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Snow White and the 7 Bergen mountains

Sunday 7th November

Last night, Bergen and its 7 mountains have decided to wear their beautiful white coat.

After a snowy night, some sun-rays are chasing the clouds on this sunday morning. It’s definitely time to pull my sneakers out of the cupboard and go for a run to top of Ulriken. Not the first snowfall of the year, but for me it is as last time I was in Russia.

About 15-20 cm of snow up there and some nice shots of frozen lakes, sun-rays breaking through the clouds and untracked landscapes.

Click on the images to enlarge it.

Ulriken’s antenna in the background

View from top of Ulriken – 643 mt.

Bergen warmed by a few sun-rays… Wonderful atmosphere.

Lovstakken slightly lit

Stay tuned!

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